Blog: Supporting the Peep Progression Pathway - England
Hi, my name is Debbie Holmes, and I am Peeple’s Qualifications Manager, supporting the Peep Progression Pathway for parents (pictured between Peeple Training and Accreditation Manager Liz Ersoy and CEO Sally Smith)
My Peep journey began in 2010 when I became a Children’s Centre teacher in Leicester, and it has shaped and formed my practice ever since. I became a Peep practitioner delivering groups to parents, carers and their children from birth to 5 years in different schools, centres and shelters. I soon saw the power and magic behind the Peep Learning Together Programme in supporting parents to understand their child’s communication and development needs.
The simple yet key messages delivered in Peep sessions show parents that everything they do with their children from birth (and even before, through the Peep Antenatal Programme) supports brain development, language acquisition and secure attachments at a time when their children’s capacity to learn is optimal.
The power of Peep groups is the delivery of simple, high impact messages, highlighting children’s learning through observation, and sharing these observations with parents. Soon parents were able to spot learning in everyday situations for themselves, and from this point they could build up a picture of their child’s preferred learning styles, interests and strengths whilst also developing their child’s language and skills effortlessly.
Many of the parents attending Peep sessions made amazing memory books or learning journals to share with their children and record their joint learning journey. This led naturally into supporting parents back into their own education, as their Peep journals could be used in the parent accreditation that we offer through our Peep Progression Pathway - nationally recognised units which cover three qualification levels for parents and carers as learners, and which formally recognises the learning which is already occurring within a Peep session.
My job as practitioner was to guide parents on this journey. It is a very humbling experience, watching a parent and child grow and learn together. This passion continued with me when I returned to teaching in schools, where I introduced Peep groups to support the transition for parents and their children who were starting school. I wish I had known what I know now when my children were young!
When I saw the role with Peeple for Qualifications Manager I was so excited to be a part of its development and growth, and even more excited to be welcomed on board. Every parent wants the best for their child, but there is no manual attached at birth! Peep offers a supportive non-judgmental environment where parents can learn how to support their children and connect with peers who they often form lasting friendships with. Look out for groups near you in family hubs, libraries, schools and other community venues, and if there aren’t any, ask your Local Authority.
We are very proud of our updated Peep Progression Pathway, which supports parents to achieve qualifications at three levels - up to level 5 in Scotland and level 2 in the rest of the UK - a gateway into childcare and other related courses and jobs. Get in touch with me to find out more about how to continue your learning journey with Peep!
email: | website: Peep Progression Pathway | Peep Progression Pathway Training for Practitioners