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News & Blogs

> News: New Peep TALK programme and training

Peep TALK is our new programme created for practitioners to help families foster their young child's speech, language and communication development in everyday life. Created by Peeple in collaboration with Speech and Language Therapists, Peep TALK emphasises how and why everyday interactions, songs, stories and play support the development of communication skills within the home.
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>  News: Peeple Family Fun Day

CBeebies star Nigel Clarke joined our recent Family Fun Day at the Peeple Centre in Oxford. 400 babies, children, parents and carers enjoyed a day of free activities with local partners including The Story Museum, Ashmolean Museum and Oxfordshire Libraries  - read more

>  Blog: 3 key messages from new Sure Start research for organisations using Peep Programmes 

Find out how and why the new research findings are echoed in Peep delivery - from engaging families who might most benefit, to having a joined-up approach, to narrowing the attainment gap - read more

>  News: our next free info session about Practitioner Accreditation

Find out how you or Peep Learning Together Programme-trained colleagues can complete the Practitioner Accreditation unit as part of your Peep delivery:
Join our next session on Wednesday 8th May 3.30 - 4.30pm
> Email us and we'll send you a Teams link for your calendar:

>  News: update on Peep in Australia – empowering families in every state and territory

A recent visit enabled our Peeple UK CEO and Training Manager to catch up with colleagues at Playgroup Victoria, the Peep Training licence holder in Australia - meetings lots of families and professionals, and presenting at their conference - read more

>  News: Remembering Sir Tim Brighouse - former Peeple Trustee

We were very sad to hear of the death of Professor Sir Tim Brighouse on 16 December 2023. Tim was one of the great minds behind Peeple, and went on to serve as a trustee - read more

Blog: Growing Minds - lessons learned and getting involved

Our third Learning Event enabled us to reflect on the last few months in our Growing Minds collaborative, community project that helps improve young children's development and outcomes - what we did, what changed within our communities, and what we learned - read more

> News:  Narrowing the attainment gap - Learning Together Study update

Further analysis of our RCT study has shown that Peep made the greatest  difference to children eligible for Early Years Pupil Premium - they made an additional 4 months' progress in core language skills and in communication, and 3 months' additional progress in early literacy development - read more

>  Blog: Everyday play with free, everyday things

Children love exploratory play, experimenting with the objects around them. When you harness this curiosity together, it might surprise you what fun you can have. Check out our list of everyday objects and ideas for how they can be used in play - read more

>  News:  Rod's Bicycling for Books campaign to get books into the hands of children is complete!

Cycling 745 miles in 90 hours to raise over £6,000 for Oxford Peep's Dolly Parton Imagination Library - helping to provide the gift of reading by providing a free book every month for local children - read more

>  Blog: Supporting the Peep Progression Pathway - England

Our Adult Learning Development Manager for England began her Peep journey back in 2010 as a Children's Centre teacher in Leicester. She's now supporting Peep practitioners to use the Peep Progression Pathway, enabling parents to gain qualification units - read more

>  Blog:  Ayrshire College's innovative early years offer

Early Learning and Childcare students at Ayrshire College are given the opportunity to support Peep sessions for families, alongside their Peep-trained lecturers - improving their skills and experience in communicating and engaging with parents - read more