transition peep - into pre-school, nursery or school

Transition Peep is a great way for schools, nurseries and pre-schools to enhance school-readiness and engage parents, by:

  • welcoming and preparing parents and children for the transition from home to the setting - introducing them to the activities and routines of your setting (linked to relevant early years frameworks, such as the EYFS - Early Years Foundation Stage)
  • sharing ideas from the Peep Learning Together programme, about how parents can support their child's play and learning at home
  • improving parents’ confidence and ability to support and value their child’s learning and development - valuing and building on what parents already do
  • enabling parents, children and staff to get to know each other:
    • helping children to settle in more quickly
    • providing the opportunity for families to raise and discuss common concerns, reducing anxiety
    • providing opportunities for staff to identify, and informally discuss with parents, any additional needs or potential referrals to other services
    • improving two-way support between parents and staff
    • helping families get to know each other, and develop local peer support networks.
  • increasing staff skills and understanding of the value of parental involvement, contributing to statutory requirements
  • helping parents identify their own learning and development needs and potential pathways (e.g. signposting to relevant courses or services).

related case studies:

>  Transition into school reception class in Hampshire - case study

>  Transition from nursery into school in Edinburgh - case study

Preparing and sharing mealtimes in nursery and home in Highland

If you're a Peep-LTP-trained practitioner -  in the log-in Members Area you can find session plans and resources for a Transition Peep course, which you're welcome to use or adapt.

> Early Years Pupil Premium funding can be used for Peep Training and/or delivery to help narrow the gap for 3-4 year olds - find out more

pre-school story time

"I love doing Peep and so do the parents!! I work in a foundation stage setting in a primary school. I have linked up with the project worker at the local Children's Centre to do Peep. It has been a challenge finding time to facilitate Peep but myself and colleagues can see the amazing benefits it has to families and their children. All the children's communication and language development has progressed, and parents have been signposted on to other courses. To finish off we all went on a beach trip together with the local Children's Centre."
Feedback from Rachel, a nursery nurse at a primary school in Bracknell