peep evidence base

Our work has been evaluated in a number of independent research studies by the Universities of Oxford, Queen's Belfast and Warwick. These show that Peep:

  • helps children develop strong foundations for language, literacy, and self-esteem - improving outcomes for all, but with the greatest impact for the most disadvantaged,
  • successfully reaches families and engages them in their children’s learning,
  • helps parents become more aware of their children’s development and how to foster it,
  • contributes to parents’ and children’s confidence in themselves as learners, and to parents’ employability,
  • enables practitioners from a wide range of professions to develop new skills and fresh approaches to share ideas and unlock parents’ potential.

A Randomised Controlled Trial (RCT) study of the Learning Together Programme was carried out by Queen's University Belfast, funded by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF). The report was published in 2020; you can watch a short video or read an overview of what the study involves, and how it helps narrow the gap in educational attainment:

Four formal research studies on the Peep Learning Together programme have been carried out by the University of Oxford:

Five of the families who were part of the Birth to School Study took part in a small Tracer study twelve years after they attended Peep, involving a semi-structured interview.

The University of Warwick has carried out the following research studies:

Case studies from organisations using Peep programmes, around the UK and beyond, demonstrate some of the outcomes from using Peep in a wide variety of contexts and settings.